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This is not about investing in trees that will grow in the future. Instead, we are investing in initiatives that correct the carbon impact today. We have partnered with Path Net Zero who fund some of the highest-standard climate projects on the planet, and they only support projects certified by Gold Standard.
We use Path Net Zero to calculate our carbon impact and Sundowner now offsets all staff travel, including commuting and overseas travel, energy use and staff outings. We do this by purchasing carbon credits which we put towards an environmental project – each project is up and running and helping communities to live in better conditions all over the world.
We would also love our clients to offset their unavoidable emissions to support a low-carbon, sustainable future.
Our partners in tackling climate change, Path Net Zero have created the calculator our travel consultants use when calculating the carbon emissions from our holidays. Incredibly enthusiastic about climate and looking after our planet, we’ll be working closely with them to reduce our carbon footprint. Their mission is to have an immediate and measurable positive impact on the global climate crisis, using innovative technology – in order to accurately measure and reduce carbon emissions, by supporting world leading eco projects.
Gold Standard was established in 2003 by WWF (and other non-Governmental Organisations). They set the standard for climate and development interventions, as well making sure the projects Path Net Zero support are legitimate and truly focused on reducing carbon emissions. They have created a practice standard for climate and sustainable development interventions, to maximise the impact on the world.
When your travel consultant has designed your holiday, they will calculate the carbon emissions that your trip will make, taking into account your flights, regional travel, local travel, the included meals, tours, and hotels. In other words, the cost is calculated around each element of your holiday, so if you change something in the trip, the cost of the carbon offsetting will mirror this.
You can choose whether to offset your holiday or not. If you would like to do this, then 100% of the extra fee will be used to purchase carbon credits which will be invested into one of our supported projects.
We are currently supporting 5 projects through Path Net Zero – each one has been set up to help communities in five countries that our clients travel to, and so supporting them is understandably even more important to us! We can truly give back to countries we love. As well as being Gold Standard approved, they have been assigned Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations and all aim to reduce, avoid and remove carbon dioxide and other gasses from the atmosphere.
Household Biogas Plants Installed in Rural India
The aim of the project is to replace the commonly used inefficient wood fired mud stoves technology with clean, sustainable and efficient biogas. The average wood consumption per household is about 5kgs per day, and this poses a serious threat to the region’s woodlands. This project provides households with their own biogas plants to utilise the sustainable energy contained in their animal’s excrement – the biogas is used for cooking, water boiling and lighting. SDG Impacts: Good Health and Well-being, Affordable and Clean Energy, Climate Action.
The majority of households in Kenya still depend on wood or solid fuels for cooking. The objective of this project is to make efficient cookstoves affordable and available to low-income rural households. The project manufactures and distributes improved cookstoves, called Hifadhi stoves, which save up to 58% of fuel wood (in comparison to traditional stoves) to cook the same amount of food. SDG Impacts: Good Health and Well-being, Climate Action, Life on Land.
Solar and Efficient Stoves in Madagascar
The objective of the project is to provide solar cookers and efficient stoves for cooking. Wood fuel and charcoal consumption can be substantially reduced, which helps to lower the pressure on the valuable forests in the region. To convince people to the new way of cooking, training programmes, demonstrations & workshops are planned. SDG Impacts include: Quality Education, Gender Equality, No Poverty & Climate Action.
National Biodigester Programme in Cambodia
Development of a biodigester sector in Cambodia with the aim to exploit the potential of biogas, enabling rural households to switch to clean cooking from relying on wood which in turn will reduce deforestation, and improve agricultural yields. Domestic biodigesters provide a way for individual households with livestock to reduce their dependence on firewood for cooking and lighting. SDG Impacts: Zero Hunger, Affordable and Clean Energy, Climate Action.
Biogas Programme of Activities in Indonesia
The Programme of Activities IDBP aims to install biodigesters in households currently using non-renewable biomass and fossil fuels as their main source of cooking fuel. The project also aims to improve public health, as indoor air pollution – a major cause of illness – that is caused from current cooking methods, is reduced from the biodigesters. SDG Impacts: No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Gender Equality, Affordable and Clean Energy, Climate Action.
We can honestly say it was the best holiday we have ever had. The small boutique guest houses were all amazing and certainly gave us a real flavour of the country. We drove to Cape Town where our lovely hotel was a perfect base to explore this beautiful place and beaches along with all the sights.
The boutique Guest Houses Sundowners chose were exceptional – fabulous settings, quality and service. The whole trip was excellently planned and organised, no hitches at all.
Our tour of Kerala was perfect in every way, we decided to go with a private driver who stayed with us for the whole trip – we found this a more relaxed way to travel. We were so impressed with Periplus, efficient in every way, our driver, Sunil, was very polite, always on time and in many ways added to our holiday.
My friend and I have returned from a wonderful trip to Vietnam and Cambodia organised by Liam. The team on the ground, in both countries, were excellent- tour guides, drivers, hotel staff. All in all, a wonderful experience which we would both highly recommended.
The trip itself was very well organised and ran incredibly smoothly, something which is not always achievable in East Africa! The partners they work with in Tanzania are of top quality: the guides, accommodation, connections, transport and itinerary were really well thought through and of good quality.
The tour we did was Vietnam and Cambodia and we had excellent guides who made the trip very memorable. Thank you for an amazing holiday.